Mahia te mahi, kia tōnui ai a Tūhourangi
Using our strengths, enhancing our present, building a prosperous future for Tūhourangi.
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Te Whare Kōrero o Tūhourangi
He whārangi tēnei hai whakaatu, hai whakatairanga i ngā wānanga o Tūhourangi. Mā tēnei ka whakawhanake, ka whakapakari te tuakiri, te ahurea o te iwi.
A page created to share and promote Tūhourangi kaupapa and wānanga, with the goal of strengthening cultural identity.
Mana Whenua Academy
Te Rangapū Tuatahi, Mana Whenua Academy, Wānanga Tuarua, August 2023
In August 2023 the inaugural Mana Whenua Academy launched with 20 whānau and 50 participants engaged and taking part. The purpose of the Academy is to reconnect whānau to whenua and to take part in an activity that they may not have done before — mountain biking!

Our vision
for Tūhourangi
“Mahia te mahi, kia tōnui ai a Tūhourangi.
Using our strengths, enhancing our present to build a prosperous future.”
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