Ngā Whāinga
Our Vision
Mahia te mahi, kia tōnui ai a Tūhourangi.
Using our strengths, enhancing our present, building a prosperous future.
Our Mission
Building sustainable assets to enable whānau to envision, create and live their dreams.
To assist Tūhourangi members to be strong culturally, environmentally, economically & socially.
Ngā Mātāpono | Our Values Ngā Uaratanga
Leadership that focuses on common purpose whilst respecting our rights to self- determine our pathway of development.
Strong courageous relationships through respect, integrity, empathy & commitment to kaupapa.
Collective culture of respect, guardianship, care & protection for our people & place.
Upholding our manaaki legacy by being welcoming, respectful, humble & friendly.
Acting with mana by being open, honest & transparent in all our dealings.
Building strong partnerships that are enduring, constructive & mutually beneficial.
Creating an environment that is inspiring, knowledge based & proudly showcases our history.
Tuhourangi Tribal Authority Objectives
Ensuring our whenua, wai and roto are healthy, and wildlife, flora and fauna are flourishing with our people are active kaitiaki.
Strengthening our sense of Tūhourangi identity and enhancing our understanding and capacity for reo, tikanga, mātauranga and waiata and affirming our presence as mana whenua.
Enabling for Tūhourangi wellness through pathways of contribution & connection to education, engagement & health opportunities.
Building a sound economic base for Tūhourangi affairs, businesses & assets and enabling distribution of benefits to Tūhourangi uri.