The Tūhourangi Tribal Authority was established in 2006
as the governance entity to receive the assets and proceeds from the Te Pūmautanga o Te Arawa Trust, who negotiated the historical Treaty of Waitangi Claims of Te Arawa Iwi and Hapū.
Ngā Hapū o Tūhourangi
Ngāti Huarere
Ngāti Kahu Upoko
Ngāti Puta
Ngāti Taoi
Ngāti Te Apiti
Ngāti Tionga
Ngāti Tukiterangi
Ngāti Tuohonoa
Ngāti Uruhina
Ngāti Wahiao
Ngāti Apumoana
Ngāti Tumatawera
Ngāti Hinemihi
Ngāti Hinganoa
The hapū who affiliate to Tūhourangi Iwi are:
Our vision is to enhance our present and build atop the foundation provided by previous generations for a prosperous future for all of Tūhourangi.
“Mahia te mahi, kia tōnui ai a Tūhourangi!”
By building sustainable assets to enable whānau to envision, create and live their dreams. To assist Tūhourangi to be strong culturally, environmentally, economically and socially.