Building cultural identity, nurturing relationships and creating safe spaces for our reo and cultural practices to flourish – strengthening the tāonga we’ve always had.
Te Kete Kōrero
Te Whare Kōrero o Tūhourangi
He whārangi tēnei hai whakaatu, hai whakatairanga i ngā wānanga o Tūhourangi. Mā tēnei ka whakawhanake, ka whakapakari te tuakiri , te ahurea o te iwi.
A page created to show and promote Tūhourangi wānanga with the goal of strengthening cultural identity.
Important dates

For more information about Tūhourangi wānanga, reo & mātauranga initiatives
please contact Ngarepo at ngarepo@tuhourangi.iwi.nz