Register as Tūhourangi

The hapū who affiliate to Tūhourangi iwi under Tūhourangi Tribal Authority are listed to the right and have been identified through whakapapa.

The information you supply on this application form will be stored on a secure, centralised database based in Aotearoa.

How We Care For Your Private Information

All personal information will be treated as confidential and no information will be disclosed to third parties without your prior approval or authorisation unless required by law.
If you wish to view or change your personal details, please click here to update details manually or contact us during office hours.

How We Check Your Whakapapa

All new registrations go through a validation process. Our Whakapapa Team will review and confirm your details.
Any applications not accepted will have the right to a review of that decision. Every attempt will be made to assist applicants who don't know their hapū or marae and to help identify their whakapapa and connections to Tūhourangi but please provide as much information as possible when you register including:
  • any records on your grandparents or tupuna owning shares in any Tūhourangi landblocks
  • following tātai lines back further back to tupuna names

Are you already registered?

Be sure that you are registered and kept up to date with all things Tūhourangi. You can check if you're already registered or update your details by clicking the button below.

Why should you register?

Registering with Tūhourangi Tribal Authority allows the entity to get a better idea of where our people are, what their interests and concerns are and to align the strategic vision and mahi undertaken by the operations team to those kaupapa. Having an accurate register also allows the Trust to access funding and other opportunities in service of Tūhourangi uri.

Ahakoa he iti, he iti kura. Tūhourangi Tribal Authority is growing in our capacity and here are some of the benefits of becoming a registered member:

  • Ability to participate in the election process (nominating, voting) for Tūhourangi Tribal Authority Trustees at the elections and AGM

  • Eligibility for tamariki to take part in the Mana Whenua Academy

  • Eligibility for the Tūhourangi Awards

  • Eligibility to visit Waimangu Volcanic Valley for free

  • Participation in special events and kaupapa

Have you added the latest Tūhourangi events and kaupapa to your calendar?