Job Vacancy: Senior Kaupapa Māori Researcher

Applications close Friday 27 January 2023.

An exciting opportunity exists at Scion for a Kaupapa Māori Senior Researcher to join their dedicated team. This is an important role which will help to support the delivery in Scion's Forests and Landscapes Impact Area. 

In this role, you will create pathways and identify new opportunities interfacing science and research with Māori-centred approaches that enable capacity, capability and leadership in ngahere ecosystem science. 

You will be given opportunities to provide innovation and help determine priorities and initiatives that have regard for Te Tiriti o Waitangi. You will work alongside and build enduring relationships with whānau, hapū, iwi, clients and regulatory bodies. 

Your knowledge and experience will be valuable in providing coaching and mentoring for our passionate early career scientists.

For more information and to apply, click here.


Tūhourangi Tribal Authority AGM


#OurPeople: Margaret Courtney and the role of the Māori Land Court