Ngā Hararei-ā-Kura, school holidays: Tūhourangi Edition
We’ve put together a list of activities for whānau (and everyone) to help with the upcoming school holidays - Tūhourangi edition!
The places mentioned in our list are either:
on Tūhourangi whenua (lands)
have businesses owned by Tūhourangi uri (descendants) on them
are owned by Tūhourangi Tribal Authority - therefore, free for Tūhourangi uri to visit!
For further details please DM on our Facebook or instagram or contact

Hui-ā-iwi : Taiao February 2022
Date: Sunday 27 February 2022
Time: 10am - 3pm
Location: online via zoom /limited numbers in-person at Whakarewarewa Village Office
We have decided to hold a space at the Whakarewarewa Village Office for up to 16 of our vaccinated whānau to attend this hui in-person. Firstly, our Koeke will be prioritised. Secondly, anyone without access to a device.
We have created an online RSVP register for those who wish to attend in person.
If a person you know is in one or both of these categories and unable to access this email or the link then could you please indicate this to us or please enter their details (with their permission) into the register on their behalf.
Rehita mō te hui ā-tinana / Register to attend in-person using the online RSVP register
Hui location in-person:
Whakarewarewa Village Main Office - 2nd Floor Boardroom
17 Tryon Street, Whakarewarewa, Rotorua 3010
Time & Date:
10am - 3pm
Sunday 27th February 2022
Hui link via Zoom:
This meeting will be a recorded session for note taking purposes and TTA’s reference only. We will create a Dropbox link at a later date for the hui to be viewed and downloaded by our whānau that attend. Please feel free to indicate whether you would like to be sent this link:
Meeting ID: 851 8450 1453
Purpose of Hui
TTA Strategy / Pou Taiao Komiti
Update on Key Mahi
Tarawera Sewerage Scheme
Puarenga Consents and Activities Update
RM, Freshwater Reform & Three Waters
Tuhourangi Taiao Plan
Update on Other Mahi (time permitting)
Ngapuna Pollution Issues
Punaromia Upgrade
Whirinaki Valley Rd Restoration Project Update
Iwi-led Great Walk Proposal
Taiao updates from hapū
Karakia / Whakamutunga
Te Pakira Wānanga
Wānanga Itinerary for Te Pakira wānanga, Friday 11th - Saturday 12th September 2020
Friday, 11 September 2020
Mihi / Karakia
Waiata – E to, e te Ra
Saturday, 12 September 2020
Mihi / Karakia
Whakawhanaungatanga (new arrivals)
Tangihanga Process and Workshops
Paepae Aspects – Tikanga / Kawa in Practice
Nau mai e ngā hua!
Tīhei mauri ora!
Tūhourangi Tribal Authority is inviting all residents of Whaka and Ngāpuna to come together to share in kai;
Thursday, 13 August 2020
5.30 to 7.00pm
Te Rau Aroha, Whakarewarewa
The kaitahi is a response by Tūhourangi Tribal Authority to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resilience demonstrated by our iwi in overcoming the lockdown periods and adapting to the ‘new norm’.
The last time such resilience was demonstrated was on 11 June 1886 when our tupuna had to relocate from Tarawera.
No reira, nau mai, haere mai, whakatau mai.
Te Whakarewatanga Ake: Hui-ā-iwi
Tū te winiwini, tū te wanawana, tū te ihihi ki a Tūhourangi Ngāti Wāhiao.
Kai te whānau, kia wairua pai te Ngākau, kei warewaretia, te mano tini whāioio kua rūpeke atu ki Matangireia, ko te kōrerohanga nui o mate.
Haere, whakangaro atu rā.
Kai ngā kanohi ora, whakamaua te huarahi tika ki te pae tawhiti.
COVID-19 has deeply affected our pā and community of Te Whakarewarewa.
A hui to consider how to create new pathways that bring about a positive future for the Village is called for:
Sunday, 28 June 2020 | 10am - 12pm
Wāhiao Whare tupuna, Te Pakira Marae
Tirohanga Whānui – Visioning
He mahere haere whakamua – plan for progress
He rōpu whakatere – establishing a steering group
Karakia whakamutunga
Nā te Paepae o Te Pakira Marae
This will be an open inclusive forum for anyone who has a vested interest in the pā to contribute positively to the kōrero.
Please let your whānau know and encourage everyone to attend.