Tarawera Pipeline Fact Sheet

Kai aku nui, kai aku rahi! Tēnā tātou i ngā tauwhirotanga o te wā.

Rotorua Lakes Council has informed us that work to complete the wastewater pipeline is set to recommence in the coming weeks.

This kaupapa is about protecting Lake Tarawera. Without action, our taonga is at risk of irreparable pollution. But, we all agree that this action cannot come at the detriment of our other lakes and whenua.

As an iwi we know we have diverse viewpoints on this infrastructure construction and it is deeply personal for some of our whānau. We support right for peaceful protest and our focus is keeping our whenua, wai and whānau safe, both during the construction and into the future.

We encourage everyone to read the information about the pipeline, how it will work, and the additional actions we have ensured Council take to protect our whenua and wai.

We have created a fact sheet that you can read here.


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