Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

Culturally significant lands at Waimangu to return to iwi ownership

Te Mana o Ngāti Rangitihi Trust (Te Mana) and Tūhourangi Tribal Authority (TTA) are pleased to announce that one year on since the Deed of Undertaking was signed between the two Iwi, they have been successful in jointly negotiating with the Crown for the return of culturally significant lands at Waimangu and Otūkapuarangi.

This milestone means that, Ngāti Rangitihi has resolved the overlapping claim issues it has with Tūhourangi and can proceed with voting on its Deed of Settlement. If the Ngāti Rangitihi Deed of Settlement is ratified and signed, Tūhourangi will then be able to have land returned that was not available when it settled with the Crown in 2007.

This pioneering agreement for the return of lands that were once the centre of many historic disputes for both Iwi, will mean Ngāti Rangithi and Tūhourangi stand to be both the joint business and landowners of Waimangu Volcanic Valley. This includes 80 hectares of concession land, currently leased from the Department of Conservation, for the operation of the eco-tourism business Waimangu Volcanic Valley Limited. The annual concession fee will now be paid to the joint iwi owners instead of to the Department of Conservation.

Te Mana Chairman, Leith Comer says this process has provided a unique opportunity for the two Iwi to work together to pursue common objectives at Tarawera.

“This agreement recognises the close overlap of Ngāti Rangitihi and Tūhourangi in a special part of the world, which features significantly in both our tribal stories,” says Mr Comer.

“Through this journey, we have rediscovered our close whakapapa, historical and cultural ties and we look forward to a strong, enduring and positive relationship with Tūhourangi post-settlement.

“Ngāti Rangitihi is pleased that, together with Tūhourangi, our people can now truly own and be the kaitiaki of Waimangu, and further develop our eco-tourism business there.

“We are also happy that we have been able to use the Treaty Settlement process to enable Tūhourangi to have the land at Otūkapuarangi returned to them, an area which is of particular cultural significance to them and which was originally part of the land awarded to them by the Native Land Court,” says Mr Comer.

TTA Chairman Alan Skipwith says that in achieving such a result through the joint negotiations, the concerns regarding overlapping interests at Tarawera and Rotomahana have been addressed, enabling the Ngāti Rangitihi settlement negotiations to be completed, so that Te Mana can bring to Ngāti Rangitihi members a Deed of Settlement to vote on. signing.

“The agreement will see mutual benefits for both Iwi and signals a new era in post-Treaty Settlement relationships among neighbouring Iwi,” says Mr Skpiwith.

Both Iwi acknowledge that this outcome would not would not have been possible without the vision and collaboration of all those who were committed to this innovative approach to resolving overlapping interests: the Ngāti Rangitihi and Tūhourangi negotiators; Minister Little and the team from Te Arawhiti; and also to the tīpuna and koeke of both Iwi, past and present.

“This work has been ongoing since 2015 and now we should all be very proud of the outcome and the return of these hugely historical Tūhourangi tribal lands at Waimangu Volcanic Valley and Otūkapuarangi,” says Mr Skipwith.

“Putting aside our differences in this way, despite the mamae of the past, will enable Tūhourangi and Ngāti Rangitihi to continue working together to develop the cultural, economic and environmental values of our whenua, through sustainable environmental tourism.

“The return to Iwi of the lands at Waimangu and Otūkapuarangi will mean that our future generations can reconnect with the tribal lands that their ancestors once roamed.”

Ngāti Rangitihi will be able to vote on their Deed of Settlement from Friday 24 July to Sunday 23 August 2020. If the Deed of Settlement is approved, the agreements between Te Mana and TTA will come into effect once the Ngāti Rangitihi settlement has passed through legislation in 2022.

“We encourage all of Ngāti Rangitihi to ensure they are registered so they can vote and have their say on this important part of our settlement journey,” says Mr Comer.

“This settlement is a comprehensive one, that will unlock immense value for Ngāti Rangitihi.”

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

TTA Pānui - Q2, 2020

Kai ngā mana, kai ngā reo tēnei ka mihi. 

Tūhourangi e whai ake nei ngā pitopito kōrero o te wā, 

Kia noho mārama ai tātau, tēnā koutou.

Over the last months our Trustees have been working closely with the Te Arawa COVID-19 Response Hub to collaborate on our relief response across the rohe.

In our second pānui, we keep you updated on that work, as well as news from across our three marae, and most importantly, on our mana whenua work – and the fantastic result of the Ngāti Rangitihi settlement.

If you are not receiving our pānui and would like to, please sign up here. To read this quarter’s pānui, click here.

Nā mātou,

TTA Trustees

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

Ngāti Rangitihi Settlement

Back in February 2020 we provided an update of the settlement process at a series of hui-ā-marae. We received unanimous support from the hui to finalise the joint negotiations with Ngāti Rangitihi for the return of Waimangu and Otukapuarangi blocks.

We should all be very proud of the outcome and the return of these hugely historical Tūhourangi tribal lands at Waimangu Volcanic Valley and Otukapuarangi, particularly given our own settlement was completed as full and final back in 2007 without these two settlements.

This means our joint tourism business at Waimangu will now pay the annual concession fee to our joint iwi owners (Tūhourangi and Ngāti Rangitihi) instead of to the Department of Conservation. Further, in addition to having Waimangu returned, Tūhourangi will now have 30ha along the shores of Lake Rotomahana returned in our own name.

This work has been ongoing since 2015 and would not have been possible without the vision and collaboration of some key people. We wish to acknowledge Leith Comer and the Ngāti Rangitihi settlement team, Minister Andrew Little and the team from Te Arawhiti that worked tremendously hard to facilitate this innovative approach to resolving overlapping interests, our koeke both past and present who bestowed their mana, and our team of negotiators with special acknowledgement to Rangitihi Pene and Shane Gibbons.

The Ngāti Rangitihi Deed of Settlement was initialled last week and they now enter their ratification process with a number of hui around the motu scheduled for August.

We are pleased to advise the key objectives and outcomes for Tūhourangi via the Ngāti Rangitihi settlement are:

  • Ngāti Rangitihi would remove any claim and or acknowledgement over all Tūhourangi lands (Parekarangi 6) as awarded in the NLC; Achieved

  • Jointly negotiate the return of Waimangu Volcanic Valley 135ha shared 50/50 undivided title with Ngāti Rangitihi via the Ngati Rangitihi settlement; Achieved 30ha via the Ngāti Rangitihi settlement as cultural redress

  • The above claim exceeded the cultural redress available under the Ngāti Rangitihi settlement, however the crown offered an additional 50ha to be purchased at a preferential rate (crown valuation $1.628m). The hui-ā-marae unanimously supported the TTA proposal to negotiate the purchase up to that amount; Achieved 50ha at iwi valuation $666,999

  • Return of Otukapuarangi 50ha sole title to Tūhourangi as cultural redress via the Ngāti Rangitihi settlement; Achieved 30ha

  • Return of Otukapuarangi 50ha sole title to Tūhourangi as cultural redress via the Ngāti Rangitihi settlement; Achieved 30ha

Tūhourangi would make no claim in respect of the Ruawahia block awarded by the Native Land Court to Ngāti Rangitihi; Agreed

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

TTA TAIAO Resource Development Officer

We are seeking expressions of interest for a short fixed term Contract for Services for the position of:

TTA TAIAO Resource Development Officer

The scope and nature of the service components are:

  1. Submission of WRA funding applications for project years 2021 / 2022

  2. Cultural mapping and layering of waterways that flow into the Waikato River and are within the Tūhourangi area of interest

  3. Identify and secure other funding streams to supplement Tūhourangi environmental projects in the Tūhourangi rohe of Te Arawa River Iwi Trust Area B to enable Tuhourangi to fulfil its responsibilities as kaitiaki of the waterways

Please direct all correspondence to admin@tuhourangi.iwi.nz

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

Te Whakarewatanga Ake: Hui-ā-iwi

Tū te winiwini, tū te wanawana, tū te ihihi ki a Tūhourangi Ngāti Wāhiao.

Kai te whānau, kia wairua pai te Ngākau, kei warewaretia, te mano tini whāioio kua rūpeke atu ki Matangireia, ko te kōrerohanga nui o mate.

Haere, whakangaro atu rā.

Kai ngā kanohi ora, whakamaua te huarahi tika ki te pae tawhiti.

COVID-19 has deeply affected our pā and community of Te Whakarewarewa.

A hui to consider how to create new pathways that bring about a positive future for the Village is called for:

Sunday, 28 June 2020 | 10am - 12pm

Wāhiao Whare tupuna, Te Pakira Marae


  • Karakia

  • Mihimihi

  • Tirohanga Whānui – Visioning

  • He mahere haere whakamua – plan for progress

  • He rōpu whakatere – establishing a steering group

  • Karakia whakamutunga

  • Hākari

Nā te Paepae o Te Pakira Marae

This will be an open inclusive forum for anyone who has a vested interest in the pā to contribute positively to the kōrero.

Please let your whānau know and encourage everyone to attend.

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

Tarawera Landing

On the western shores of Lake Tarawera, our tupuna would welcome manuhiri, taking them to Te Otukapuarangi – the Pink and White Terraces.

In February, Rotorua Lakes Council made an unanimous decision to seek to return the land under the café to mana whenua, Tūhourangi Ngāti Wahiao.

The draft improvements to enhance the area to lift the visitor experience, have been developed by a small development team.

This link takes you through to a draft design for Waitoharuru and Punaromia. We are seeking feedback from you on the designs before being shared with other stakeholders:

Click here.

Once you have viewed the draft design, please click this link to provide your feedback:

Click here.

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

Ngā Karahipi Uru Rākau – Forestry Scholarships

Te Uru Rākau is pleased to announce that applications for scholarships for the 2021 academic year are now open for application.

Eight scholarships are available encouraging Māori and women to study the following degrees at University of Canterbury:

• Bachelor of Forestry Science or 

• Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) with a major in Forest Engineering

These scholarships allow Māori and women to study and start careers in the forestry sector, making New Zealand’s forestry workforce more diverse. 

Additional information about the scholarships can be found on the Te Uru Rākau website, including eligibility criteria and a simple application process.

See this leaflet with advice for applicants.

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

Tarawera - Connecting People and Place

The Tarawera Lakes Collective Impact Project was developed to connect agencies and communities where groups, each with their own set of skills and experiences can work together for a common purpose.

The purpose being Lake Tarawera and its declining water quality. Lake Tarwera is one of the iconic Rotorua District Lakes with seven lakes contributing to the health of Lake Tarawera (Ōkataina, Ōkāreka, Tikitapu, Rotokakahi, Rotomahana, Ōkaro and Rerewhakaaitu).

Te Arawa Lakes Trust has been tasked with scoping out how collective impact might work – in practice – for the Tarawera Lakes System.

Working collectively is a way of bringing together and harnessing the collective potential and energy of passionate people which can build on existing work happening within the attachments and enable innovation and multiple benefits.

To view and read the information sheet – please click here.

Next steps:

To provide feedback on this important kaupapa – please click here. The online survey is a way to share your thoughts to guide the way forward.

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

FREE COVID-19 Drop-in Clinic

Friday, 22 May | 10am – 12pm 

Whakarewarewa (Te Rau Aroha carpark)

Free flu immunisations for:

  • Over 65

  • Chronic health conditions

  • Hapu mama

  • Tamariki 0-4 years with a history of respiratory illness

  • Tamariki under 5 who were hospitalised with measles.

No appointment necessary. Click here for all of the information.

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

Hunting & Fishing at Level 2

At 11:59pm on Wednesday, 13 May, Aotearoa will move to Alert Level 2. With this move comes specific guidelines to keep us all safe – you can read the guidelines here.

It’s important to follow the Level 2 guidelines, especially keeping gatherings to a maximum of 10 people. We have some updated guidelines for hunting and fishing during Level 2 below.

• Timberlands are issuing hunting and recreational permits under COVID-19 Level 2 restrictions with permits processed from 12 May and activity resuming from 23 May. Apply for a permit here.

• Normal hunting and some additional COVID-19 rules will apply, these will be sent out with permits.

• Timberlands have appointed Kepa Winiata as the Tūhourangi delegate to issue hunting authorisation permits. His contact number is 027 932 1185. Timberlands acknowledge and appreciate the patience shown from all forest users while working to the COVID-19 restrictions.

• Bylaws for Rotorua lakes to protect Te Arawa taonga are now in place. Anyone who wants to collect fish from freshwater taonga species will need to get a puka whakamana (permit) from Te Arawa.

• The bylaws also put restrictions on the size, quantity and methods of harvesting taonga species to protect them for the future.

• To find out what species are covered by the bylaws, click here. A total closure of kōaro is in pace to protect the unsustainably low numbers.

• Remember to check, clean and dry your fishing equipment when you are moving from one waterway to another to stop the spread of catfish.

• The duck hunting season was originally postponed and will now commence on Saturday, 23 May.

• All Fish & Game and Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) regulations and restrictions remain in place and will be enforced - only take what you need.

Please take care and ensure you take all of the usual hunting and COVID-19 precautions.

Stay safe, kia hoki mai ki to whānau!

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

Hunting & Fishing at Level 3

There has been a lot of kōrero about being able to gather kai during the lockdown. The transition to Alert Level 3 does allow a bit more movement for us all – but under some strict guidelines.

The Department of Conservation has extensive information about hunting and fishing under Alert Level 3.

Please stay safe whānau and take all of the usual hunting and COVID-19 precautions, including maintaining social distancing at all times.

Important message from Kaingaroa Timberlands:

All Timberlands managed forests (Kaingaroa, Whirinaki, Rotoehu and Waimangu) remain closed under Level 3 and the forest gates are locked and being monitored 24/7. We’ll let you know about the opening dates for Recreational Access Permits for hunting, fishing and game bird shooting as soon as we have updates.

Kaingaroa Timberlands/Timberlands Limited have issued a statement regarding their position on hunting: 

“Timberlands Limited are not issuing hunting and recreational permits under COVID-19 Alert Level 3 restrictions. This is primarily so we can focus on the health and safety of people returning to work but was also considering the two following Alert Level 3 conditions:

  • No motorised hunting is permitted, which accounts for the majority of hunting in Kaingaroa Forest.

  • People must keep local, and the Kaingaroa Forest estate operates across three regions (BOP, Waikato and Hawkes Bay), making it difficult for hunters to adhere to this rule.

At this stage the number one priority is to transition workers back into the forest safely while operating under COVID-19 Alert Level 3 restrictions.”

Timberlands have appointed Kepa Winiata as the new Tūhourangi delegate to issue hunting authorisation permits for when hunting is permitted. His contact number is 027 932 1185.


  • No hunting on public conservation land

  • Hunting and fishing are only permitted on foot and overnight trips aren’t allowed

  • Using quad bikes, off-road bikes, helicopters, boats or other motorised vehicles is a no go

  • You need to stay in your region and stick to your bubble

  • You need to follow all other hunting and fishing guidelines

  • All fishing must be land based

  • Road Check Points will continue – ensure you have the appropriate permit

You’ll be able to hunt locally on private and Māori-owned land under Alert Level 3, but you need the Land Trust / Incorporation’s or landowner’s permission and stick to the rules (including any hunting club rules).


You can fish locally, but this needs to be land-based fishing only and at a spot that is close to your whare.

All Fish & Game and Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) regulations and restrictions remain in place and will be enforced – only take what you need and if you want to share kai with extended whānau and friends, you need to adhere to the guidelines under Alert Level 3.

Please check, clean and dry your fishing equipment when you’re moving from one waterway to another to stop the spread of catfish.

Duck Hunting

The duck hunting season has been postponed from Saturday, 2 May until two weeks after New Zealand eventually moves to Alert Level 2. The season will also end later.


To avoid disappointment or being turned around at a check point, make sure you have the appropriate hunting or fishing permit with you (paper or E-copy). If you’re hunting on private land, you need permission from the owner.

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

COVID-19 Response, Where to get help

If you need urgent assistance please reach out to the Te Arawa Whānau Ora office.

You can also contact Deliah Balle on 027 471 1051.

Don't forget to check out the Te Arawa Covid-19 Response page.

Other useful links:

Worried about paying for kai, rent, etc?

Work and Income NZ has support for urgent costs now like food, accommodation, power, etc. To find out if you qualify for this you can call 0800 559 009 or visit Work & Income New Zealand.

Eligible for the flu jab?

You can call your GP or your medical centre, or all Healthline on 0800 358 5453. All over 65 have access to free Flu jabs. Visit Work & Income New Zealand.

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

TTA Office Closed


The Tūhourangi Tribal Authority office at 100 Sala Street, Rotorua is closed until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please email us with any queries:

admin@tuhourangi.iwi.nz or phone 027 291 3002

Na mātou,


Tūhourangi Tribal Authority

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

TTA Election Meeting Notice


Date: 7 March 2020

Venue: Whakarewarewa School Hall


• 10.00am – 1.00pm: Voting

• 1.05pm to 5.30pm: Vote Count

• 6.00pm coin toss if required and announcement of successful nominees

An election vote will be held to select 5 of the nominees posted below for a position as trustee on the TTA.

Proxy voting is not permitted, therefore:

  1. Those wishing to vote must be registered on the TTA Beneficiary Register. Beneficiary registrations will close at 4.30pm on Tuesday, 25 February 2020.

  2. Those voting on the day must present themselves at the venue registration table between 10.00am and 1.00pm.

  3. Only one election voting slip per person will be accepted.

  4. Those wanting to use a postal vote must first request an election voting slip from the Tūhourangi Tribal Authority office and this voting slip must be received by the returning officer by 5.00pm on 6 March 2020, otherwise it will be deemed invalid; only one election voting slip per envelope will be accepted.

  5. Those wanting to vote electronically must first request an electronic election voting slip from the Tūhourangi Tribal Authority office and this voting slip must be received by the returning officer by 5.00pm on 6 March 2020 otherwise it will be deemed invalid; if received via a third party it will also be deemed invalid.

Contact the Tūhourangi Tribal Authority office at admin@tuhourangi.iwi.nz.

Those wanting postal voting slips please send a request, stating your full name, address, email address and date of birth to:

Tūhourangi Tribal Authority (TTA Office) 

P.O.Box 6161 Whakarewarewa

The Nominees are:









Candidate profiles can be viewed here.

A hard copy can be mailed out with the requested election voting slip.

Beneficiary Registrations Closes 4.30pm Tuesday, 25 February 2020.

Returning Officer details will be displayed on the Ballot form.

Nā mātou,

Tuhourangi Tribal Authority Trustees

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata


We are holding a series of hui-a-marae to update beneficiaries on the status and planned actions in regards to the agenda items listed below.


1. Confirmation of mandate and beneficiary agreement to proceed with legal action against Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa in respect of the inequitable devolution of Settlement assets.

2. Confirmation of mandate and agreement to finalise joint iwi agreements in respect of the Ngāti Rangitihi Treaty Settlement.

Venues Dates and Times as below:

• Hinemihi: Wednesday, 26 February 5pm – 6.30pm

• Apumoana: Thursday, 27 February 5pm – 6.30pm

• Te Pakira: Saturday, 29 February 1pm – 3.00pm

Please come along to ensure you are kept informed.

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

RLC signals return of land at Punaromia

A message from our TTA Chairperson, Allan Skipwith:

Kia ora e te whānau,

The return of this parcel of land at Punaromia relates to the land on which the Tarawera Café sits which is approximately 355m2 and was first brought to the TTA attention by Mauriora Kingi.

TTA trustees and the Rotorua Lakes Council operational staff have been investigating the area and various options that could enable this land to be returned to Tūhourangi; today we had the opportunity to present the proposal to the first Strategy, Policy and Finance Committee’s meeting of the new Council.

We spoke of the significance that this land has to Tūhourangi – it was overwhelming to listen to the Counsellors speak positively in support of the proposal and then to have the unanimous vote followed by spontaneous clapping from all those in the council chambers!

This is a significant first step in a process that Councillors asked to be completed as quickly as possible.

The café is owned by the current operator who late last year purchased the building and took over the lease arrangement with the RLC which expires in 2023. We are disappointed to have not had the opportunity to take this over ourselves as a first step toward complete ownership.

Heoi ano, a great start and one that would not have been possible without the strong working relationship built with the Mayor, councillors and their operational team. We will keep you updated.

The Rotorua Daily Post has already picked the story up – you can read more about it in this post.

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

TTA Pānui - Q1, 2020

Kai ngā mana, kai ngā reo tēnei ka mihi. 

Tūhourangi e whai ake nei ngā pitopito kōrero o te wā, 

Kia noho mārama ai tātau, tēnā koutou. 

Our Trustees are working to provide a better future for Tūhourangi Ngāti Wāhiao. A number of key decisions will be made in 2020 and it’s important all of our beneficiaries are registered so we can share these and other important information for Tūhourangi.

If you or one of your whānau have not registered, please contact the Tūhourangi office or visit our website. If you think you may have changed address / phone number or other details, please use this form. 

Part of keeping wider whānau informed is this – our first Tūhourangi Tribal Authority pānui. We’ll be sending these out at least quarterly. This one includes the return of precious taonga, important information on our upcoming TTA elections, changes to our Trust Deed, an update on Lake Rotokakahi, and more.

To read our first panui, click here.

Nā mātou,

TTA Trustees

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

TTA Nomination Notice

The Tūhourangi Tribal Authority will be holding an election by ballot on 7 March 2020.

Those who wish to stand for one of the 5 trustee positions must request a nomination form. Send a request for a nomination form to:

Tūhourangi Tribal Authority 

P.O. BOX 6161




Email request to: admin@tuhourangi.iwi.nz


Txt 027 291 3002

NOMINATIONS CLOSE 11 February 2020 at 4.30pm

An invitation to submit a brief profile outlining their commitment to Tūhourangi Development of no more than 250 words, to be posted on the Tūhourangi Tribal Authority website, displayed at the election meeting and mailed to registered beneficiaries upon request.

The Nominee, Nominator and Seconder must be a verified registered TTA beneficiary prior to receipt of nomination form.



To register, please make enquiries as outlined above.

Nā mātou,

TTA Trustees

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

Tūhourangi Uri Visits to Waimangu Volcanic Valley

Check it out whānau! Free visits for all Tūhourangi registered iwi beneficiaries to the beautiful Waimangu Volcanic Valley on any day of the year.

This generous offer replaces the ‘Iwi Open Weekends.’

Contact Ngarepo (Ngarepo@tuhourangi.iwi.nz) at the Tūhourangi office if you’d like to book, including the number and names of your guests. Please allow five working days to have this sorted for you.

Ngarepo will confirm availability with the Waimangu office then confirm with you if that date is available – or suggest an alternative date/time. You must be registered with Tūhourangi Tribal Authority to take up this offer.

The Offer:

FOC Walk and Boat Cruise (boat cruises subject to availability) at Waimangu for all Tūhourangi and Ngāti Rangitihi registered iwi beneficiaries. 

Valid until further notice.

The Process:

  • Beneficiary contacts respective iwi office (ngarepo@tuhourangi.iwi.nz) who will validate the request.

  • Iwi office contacts Waimangu via email 48 hours out from the visit date via nature@waimangu.co.nz with details on numbers and names*. 

  • Waimangu checks availability and either (1) confirms the booking or (2) suggests another date if space is not available (space on the boat that is…the walk is highly unlikely to be unavailable).

  • Iwi office advises the manuhiri

  • Manuhiri arrive and enjoys a great visit at Waimangu!

*exceptions to this process may occur very occasionally which would mean a phone call from the respective iwi offices (or one of our board members).

NOTE: if the visit is not prearranged using this process then the manuhiri are to pay for entry fees.

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

Te Haerenga o Tūhourangi ki Maungapohatu

Tūhourangi Ngāti Wāhiao invites all iwi and hapū to attend the official ceremony of the pardoning of Rua Kenana at Maungapōhatu on Saturday, 21 December 2019.

Pre-booked vans (now full) will be departing from Te Rau Aroha wharekai at 5.00am on Saturday, 21 December. For all others travelling to Maungapōhatu by private vehicle, please carpool - 4WD is recommended.

Please gather at 4.30am for briefing and karakia.

For more information, click here.

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