Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

Successful Tūhourangi Tribal Authority Nominees

On Saturday 22 March 2025 the final day of the Tūhourangi Tribal Authority Trustee elections took place at Whakarewarewa School in Rotorua.

There were three positions available, previously held by Watu Mihinui, Rangitihi Pene and Warena Morgan; Watu did not seek reelection this round. Seven Tūhourangi uri put themselves forward for nomination, providing a range of governance expertise and invaluable insights for registered voters to choose from.

At the close of voting on Saturday, the Returning Officer tallied the final in-person votes along with postal and electronic submissions. The successful nominees and new Trustees for Tūhourangi Tribal Authority are:

  • Warena Morgan

  • Lana Ngawhika

  • Rangitihi Pene

Official election results (including the number of votes each nominee received) can be found here.

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

Election of Trustees


22nd MARCH 2025


10.00am - 2.00pm

A ballot vote will be held to select up to three (3) of the nominees posted below for a position as trustee for Tūhourangi Tribal Authority.

Proxy voting not permitted, therefore;

  1. Voting Eligibility

    • To vote, you must be registered on the Tūhourangi Tribal Authority O-RA beneficiary register by 4.30PM 12/03/25

    • To register or check if you are registered, click here

  2. Postal vote

    • Send a request to the Tūhourangi Tribal Authority office:

      1. Tūhourangi Tribal Authority, P.O. Box 6161, Whakarewarewa, Rotorua

    • Request must state your full name, address, date of birth and O-RA registration number (if known)

    • You will then receive a voting form by post

    • Completed form must be received by the Returning Officer by 4:30pm Thursday 20 March 2025

      1. The Returning Officer, Tūhourangi Tribal Authority, PO Box 3138, Christchurch

    • Only one (1) voting form per person will be accepted

  3. Electronic vote

    • Send request to Tūhourangi Tribal Authority administration email: admin@tuhourangi.iwi.nz

    • Completed voting slip must be received by the Returning Officer by 4:30pm Thursday 20 March 2025 to iroberts@electionz.com

    • Only one (1) voting form per person will be accepted

  4. In-person vote

    • Those voting on the day must present themselves at the registration table to receive a voting form

    • Only one (1) voting form per person will be accepted

The Nominees are listed below, please click their name to read their nominee profile:

Nari Faiers

Angela Grant

John Hurihanganui

Warena Morgan

Lana Ngawhika

Rangitihi Pene

Kiriwaitingi Rei-Russell

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

New Tūhourangi Tribal Authority Trustees

Thank you to all of those TTA beneficiaries that voted in our 2022 Elections.

The votes have been counted and the trustees joining Deliah Balle and Kirikowhai Mikaere are:

  • Watu Mihinui

  • Wārena Morgan

  • Rangitihi Pene.

Thank you to all of our whānau who put themselves forward for nomination, we are encouraged by the engagement and aspiration to serve.

A special mihi to Manutai Schuster who has served on the TTA board for a number of years, and who graciously returned to help us navigate a difficult 2021 year. She has always brought valuable insights and contribution to the many kaupapa she touched.

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

Tuhourangi Tribal Authority Trustee Election Nominees

Ānei rā, here are the nominees who have put themselves forward for the upcoming Tuhourangi Tribal Authority Trustee Elections.


Kataraina (Tūhourangi, Ngāti Wāhiao) mokopuna nō te whānau Hamiora is an extremely passionate hapū member. Currently with the Ministry of Justice specialising in Māori Strategy and Strategic Relationships she focuses on building Māori Crown relations that enables innovative approaches to the design and delivery of Justice in our District Courts.

Recently, she led Iwi engagement for the Ministry of Health enabling access for Iwi and Māori organisations across the Country to Māori Covid vaccination Data.

Currently an active member of Te Kapa Haka o Tūhourangi-Ngāti Wāhiao. She finds fulfilment in kaupapa that are beneficial to the growth and development of Tūhourangi such as Tikanga and Te Reo Wānanga, and our bi-annual Tūhourangi Ahurei.

She invites the opportunity to serve and contribute to the development of TTA through kaupapa that foster and nurture our culture, our hapū and our history while providing a Rangatahi voice and focus to further maintain the mana of Tūhourangi Tribal Authority into the future.

Āku whakamiha,



Tēnā tātau, ko Tamihana Hamiora-Reweti tōku ingoa (Tūhourangi Ngāti Wahiao, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Ranginui) I’m the Mokopuna of Te Waru & Maata Hamiora.

I have a back ground in Whenua Maori with time at the Maori Land Court and currently with my Mahi at Te Tumu Paeroa (The Office of the Maori Trustee) administering around 100 Ahu whenua trust within the Bay of plenty rohe. I am also a part of the community engagement team for the Electoral commission.

Since being home I have made strong efforts to reconnect with my Iwi my pa participating in various iwi events, Kapa haka, attending wananga facilitated by our Marae trying in anyway to be an active member of our iwi and this is my opportunity to give back.

Ngā manaakitanga, na

Tamihana Hamiora-Reweti

Te Arawa, Ngati Ranginui

Pererika MAKIHA

Tēnā tātou katoa

He uri ahau nō Makiha Hemana raua ko Te Paea Hinemahanga

Ko Pererika Makiha tōku ingoa

Representing our Tuhourangi whānau would be both challenging as well as rewarding. I believe I am able to meet the challenges so we can reap the rewards for the benefit of our Iwi. I bring fresh ideas and a new perspective to the role of Trustee as I believe I am a good listener, clear thinker and respect others opinions.

I have vast experience in the education sector as a Secondary School Teacher and Tutor for Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. I have held numerous managerial positions as an operations manager for Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, Ministry of Fisheries, Harbourmaster Bay of Plenty Regional Council and Kaihautū for numerous double hull voyaging waka throughout the Pacific.

My current employment with Coastguard NZ and Coastguard Boating Education (Kaihautū Māori), Water Safety NZ (Advisor) and NZ Army (Pou Kōrero) requires me to engage and build relationships with iwi around the country, therefore as a result I have developed extensive iwi networks thoughout the country.

I actively support and speak on many paepae and taumata in Te Arawa and Ngāpuhi.

I am on the following Trusts; Te Arawa Māori Returned Services League (President). Te Whakarewarewa Military Remembrance Trust (Trustee), Te Arawa Waka Taua Trust (Trustee), Ngā Waka o Te Taitokerau (Te Arawa Rep), Tangaroa Ara Rau Advisory Water Safety NZ (Advisor) Te Pūhara Mana Iwi Advisory Coastguard NZ (Advisor)

Ngā mihi,

Pererika Makiha


I have a wealth of experience and skills in community and hapū development after 40 years in the public service and 68 years as an uri of Wāhiao and Mutukuri Waretini. At heart, I remain a whaka blonde penny diver.

From a young age I was always at the wharekai learning/slaving away at the ins and outs of manaakitanga, a legacy now entrusted to my uri. We were in fact sent to the marae to be there for our father who sat on the pae but was not of Tūhourangi Ngāti Wāhiao descent.

In 2010 I founded the Te Whare Korero o Tūhourangi komiti, responsible for the renaissance of Tūhourangitanga at Te Pākira marae. This komiti became the whangai of Tūhourangi Tribal Authority in 2016, my second term as a trustee. The outcomes continue to stack up. I pay tribute to my dear friend Muriwai Ihakara who unstintingly shared his expertise and skill with our paetapu.

In October 2021 five Tūhourangi taonga were unveiled at Te Pūtake o Tawa, a project two years in the making, which I managed on behalf of Tūhourangi Tribal Authority. A spectacular event produced entirely by our hapū- tohunga whakairo/toi, tohunga karakia, tohunga whakapapa, pou korero, pou karanga, kapahaka superseded all challenges. Nga mihi rawa atu kia ratou katoa.

I am offering myself for a final term as I believe that I still have the goods to help in the development and sustainability of Tūhourangi te iwi.

Ngā mihi

Nā Watu Mihinui


Ko Wārena Morgan tōku ingoa, nō te whanau Morgan, Wikiriwhi, Hiini, Hatō, Haira mē Wīhapi, ōtirā nō Tūhourangi ahau. He mokopuna au ō Eruera raua kō Rangiātuhi (nee Haira) Morgan, Te Autiti raua kō Kahukura (nee Hemopō) Wikiriwhi, mē Karaneihana raua kō Kerera/Niki (nee Hatō) Hiini.

I am the Reliability and Machinery Safety Technician for Carter Holt Harvey at the Kinleith Plymill in Tokoroa, responsible for the reliability, guarding/safety of machinery, also I have some other responsibilities which involve security systems and camera systems.

I have held several senior positions on committee groups and organisations.

• President of the Whakarewarewa Community Sports Inc: 2018 – 2020

• President of the Rotorua Rugby Sub Union: 2020 – 2021

• President of the Central Bay of Plenty Rugby Sub Union: 2021 – 2022

• Member of the Bay of Plenty Rugby Judicial Panel: 2021

• Chairman of the Rotokākahi Board of Control: 2021

I have also been a past committee/board member for all the above entities.

I am an accomplished and energetic professional with a solid history of achievement in management and decision-making. A motivated leader with strong organisational and prioritisation abilities. Areas of expertise include financial-delegation, health & safety and communication.

My decision to seek election to become a trustee, stems from my whakapapa and to represent our iwi with passion and integrity, developing strong networks and relationships enhancing the mana of Tūhourangi and I look forward to contributing my skills and dedication for the betterment of my iwi.

Rangitihi Darrell PENE

Nō Ngāti Hinemihi, nō Ngāti Huarere ōtirā nō Tūhourangi ahau.

Ko taku tūmanako kia pūtaiki, arā kia kotahi ai te hoe!

I am self-employed and work in the education sector. I once worked for the Ministry of Education and taught Te Reo Māori at Rotorua Lakes and Raukura. I was also once Head of Te Kura Māori at Toi Ohomai / Waiariki.

I sit on the paepae of both Te Pākira and Hinemihi Marae and as part of Te Whare o Tūhourangi, organize hīkoi and wānanga for Tūhourangi. I compose for Te Kapa Haka o Tūhourangi Ngāti Wāhiao, Raukura and Ngāti Tarāwhai.

One of my other passions is coaching basketball, I am President of the Rotorua Association and help run the National Māori Basketball Tournament.

I am chairman of the Hinemihi Marae and led the 2019 delegation to London, that convinced the National Trust UK to return our precious Hinemihi carvings. I am also one of Tūhourangi’s elected trustees on the Te Arawa Lakes Trust.

As a Tūhourangi Tribal Authority trustee, I am acutely aware that we have not yet achieved Equity, as an affiliate of Te Pūmautanga o Te Arawa. Equity is about gaining financial fairness and satisfaction from Te Arawa’s Treaty settlement. In particular, an account needs to be taken of our population, resources, the number and value of our claims. I am determined to help our people achieve Equity for the betterment of all of our people for generations to come.

Ngā mihi


I bring to Tūhourangi Tribal Authority and our iwi many skills from a varied professional background. This has included business management and administration, education, film and television, broadcasting and communications, strategic and business planning, government entity funding, legal and reporting compliance.

Even though I am now retired, I still provide consultancy advice in the film and television industry. My particular areas of interest include reo and tikanga Māori, environmental awareness, iwi growth and development.

I have previously served two terms on Tūhourangi Tribal Authority from 2013-2019 and recently returned as a Trustee following the sad loss of Allan Skipwith.

Even though I am now retired, I still provide consultancy advice in the film and television industry. My particular areas of interest include reo and tikanga Māori, environmental awareness, iwi growth and development.

I have previously served two terms on Tūhourangi Tribal Authority from 2013-2019 and recently returned as a Trustee following the sad loss of Allan Skipwith.

Ngā mihi

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

Election of Tuhourangi Tribal Authority Trustees

Following the AGM on 5 March, the Trustees of Tūhourangi Tribal Authority invite you to join them on Sunday, 6 March for a Trustee Election.

When: Sunday, 6 March 2022 at 10am – 3pm.

How: Electronic, post, or through a drive-through option at Whakarewarewa Rugby Club.

At this time, a ballot vote will be held to select three of the nominees posted below for a position as trustee on the Tūhourangi Tribal Authority.


1. Those wanting to vote must be registered on the TTA Beneficiary Register which closes at 4.30pm on 24 February 2022.

2. Those voting on the day in person MUST present themselves at the registration table.

3. On the day, only ONE ballot per person will be accepted.

4. Those wanting to use a postal vote MUST first request a ballot form from the TTA office and the ballot MUST be received by the Returning Officer by 4.30pm on 4 March 2022. Only one voting form per envelope will be accepted.

5. Those wanting to electronically vote MUST first request a ballot form from the TTA office and it MUST be received by the Returning Officer by 4.30pm on 4 March 2022. If received via any third party, it will be deemed invalid.

6. Those wanting postal voting forms MUST send a request stating your full name, address and date of birth to:

Tūhourangi Tribal Authority (TTA Office)

P.O. Box 6161



7. Those wanting electronic forms MUST email your request to:


NB: Returning Officer details will be displayed on the ballot form.

The Nominees are:



3 Pererika MAKIHA


5 Warena MORGAN

6 Rangitihi Darrell PENE

7 Manutai SCHUSTER

View nominee profiles

A hard copy can be mailed out with the requested ballot form.


  • Due to the current Omicron outbreak we have moved the in-person voting for the Elections to a drive-through option at the Whakarewarewa Rugby Club. More details to follow.

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Hana Tapiata Hana Tapiata

TTA Election Meeting Notice


Date: 7 March 2020

Venue: Whakarewarewa School Hall


• 10.00am – 1.00pm: Voting

• 1.05pm to 5.30pm: Vote Count

• 6.00pm coin toss if required and announcement of successful nominees

An election vote will be held to select 5 of the nominees posted below for a position as trustee on the TTA.

Proxy voting is not permitted, therefore:

  1. Those wishing to vote must be registered on the TTA Beneficiary Register. Beneficiary registrations will close at 4.30pm on Tuesday, 25 February 2020.

  2. Those voting on the day must present themselves at the venue registration table between 10.00am and 1.00pm.

  3. Only one election voting slip per person will be accepted.

  4. Those wanting to use a postal vote must first request an election voting slip from the Tūhourangi Tribal Authority office and this voting slip must be received by the returning officer by 5.00pm on 6 March 2020, otherwise it will be deemed invalid; only one election voting slip per envelope will be accepted.

  5. Those wanting to vote electronically must first request an electronic election voting slip from the Tūhourangi Tribal Authority office and this voting slip must be received by the returning officer by 5.00pm on 6 March 2020 otherwise it will be deemed invalid; if received via a third party it will also be deemed invalid.

Contact the Tūhourangi Tribal Authority office at admin@tuhourangi.iwi.nz.

Those wanting postal voting slips please send a request, stating your full name, address, email address and date of birth to:

Tūhourangi Tribal Authority (TTA Office) 

P.O.Box 6161 Whakarewarewa

The Nominees are:









Candidate profiles can be viewed here.

A hard copy can be mailed out with the requested election voting slip.

Beneficiary Registrations Closes 4.30pm Tuesday, 25 February 2020.

Returning Officer details will be displayed on the Ballot form.

Nā mātou,

Tuhourangi Tribal Authority Trustees

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