Trustee Nominee Profile - Warena Morgan

E te iwi, ānei rā ngā taipitopito mo te hunga e wāwatia ana kia tū hai māngai mo Tūhourangi Tribal Authority. Please find the Trustee nominee profile for Warena Morgan below.


Ko Wārena Morgan tōku ingoa, nō te whanau Morgan, Wikiriwhi, Hiini, Hatō, Haira mē Wīhapi, ōtirā nō Tūhourangi ahau. He mokopuna au ō Eruera raua kō Rangiātuhi (nee Haira) Morgan, Te Autiti raua kō Kahukura (nee Hemopō) Wikiriwhi, mē Karaneihana raua kō Kerera/Niki (nee Hatō) Hiini.

I have a trade background as a Industrial Electrician and now work as an Automation Engineer for a local company in Rotorua. Previously I have worked as a Reliability Technician, Machinery Safety Technician.

In the past three years in my role as a Tuhourangi Tribal Authority Trustee, I have been an active member on:

  • Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa (Trustee, Audit and Risk Chair)

  • Tuhourangi Iwi Delegate to Timberlands (Tangihanga Permits)

  • Titokorangi and Whakarewarewa Forests Recreational Management Group(Member)

  • Te Hononga o Tuhourangi me Ngati Rangitihi Joint Administrating Body.(Chair)

  • Waimangu Volcanic Valley Director (Just recently appointed)

During this time I have had a role with:

  • Bay of Plenty Rugby Union (Rugby Director, Senior Club Working Group Chair)

I am an accomplished and energetic person with a solid history of achievement in management and decision-making. A motivated leader with strong organisational and prioritisation abilities. Areas of expertise include financial-delegation, health & safety and communication.

I am seeking re-election as a Tuhorangi Tribal Authourity Trustee so that I may continue the enjoyment of working for my iwi, and hapu in the many kaupapa that we face today.

  • Electronic and postal voting is open now

  • In-person voting and the final day to vote will be held on 22/03/25

  • You must be a registered Tūhourangi Tribal Authority member to be eligible to vote, register here.


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Trustee Nominee Profile - Angela Grant