Trustee Nominee Profile - Kiriwaitingi Rei-Russell
E te iwi, ānei rā ngā taipitopito mo te hunga e wāwatia ana kia tū hai māngai mo Tūhourangi Tribal Authority. Please find the Trustee nominee profile for Kiriwaitingi Rei-Russell below.
Kiriwaitingi is the daughter of Del and Tere Rei and mokopuna of Kiriwaitingi “Guide Kiddo” Maniapoto.
Kiriwaitingi has experience in leading organisations and held various roles including: Head of Māori Alliances at Zespri International, CEO at Māori Investments Limited (10 yrs), Corporate Affairs Manager at Te Arawa Group Holdings, and the inaugural General Manager at Te Arawa River Iwi Trust. She is a qualified lawyer and before moving into the iwi commercial space she was a litigation and commercial lawyer.
Kiriwaitingi has strong governance experience and has held a number of roles including Future Director of Auckland International Airport, Rotorua Economic Development Board and Ngāti Awa Group Holdings Ltd. She is currently the deputy chair of Pūtauaki Trust, deputy chair of Māori Investments Ltd and a director on the Scion Board. She is also a facilitator for the Institute of Directors on their Governance Essentials and Principles of Māori Governance Programme.
Kiriwaitingi would like to contribute to the vision and aspirations of the Trust, as they look to build for the future. She also has strong commercial knowledge and a sound undertstanding of the Te Pūmautanga o Te Arawa settlement and the future devolution of assets to the affiliate iwi/hapu.
Kiriwaitingi is married to Charles and has twin sons, Tamaarangi and Matiu who are both at university.
Electronic and postal voting is open now
In-person voting and the final day to vote will be held on 22/03/25
You must be a registered Tūhourangi Tribal Authority member to be eligible to vote, register here.
Trustee Nominee Profile - Rangitihi Pene
E te iwi, ānei rā ngā taipitopito mo te hunga e wāwatia ana kia tū hai māngai mo Tūhourangi Tribal Authority. Please find the Trustee nominee profile for Rangitihi Pene below.
Nō Ngāti Hinemihi, nō Ngāti Huarere ōtirā nō Tūhourangi Ngāti Wāhiao ahau i te taha ki taku koroua. Nō Ngāti Hurungaterangi, nō Ngāti Te Rorooterangi, ōtirā nō Ngāti Whakaue hoki ahau ite taha ki taku kuia.
I am a trustee for TTA, Te Pūmautanga o Te Arawa, Te Arawa Lakes Trust, and Central North Island Iwi Collective.
I sit on the paepae of both Te Pākira, Whakarewarewa, and Hinemihi Marae, Ngāpuna, and as part of Te Whare o Tūhourangi, organize Hīkoi and Wānanga for Tūhourangi.
I compose for Te Kapa Haka o Tūhourangi Ngāti Wāhiao, Raukura and Ngāti Tarāwhai.
I am chairman of the Hinemihi Marae and led the 2019, 2022, 20224, and 2025 delegations to London, to convince the National Trust UK, to agree-in-principle to return our Hinemihi carvings.
I presented to the 2013 Adjudication Panel for the Whakarewarewa Geothermal Valley on behalf of Tūhourangi Tribal Authority.
I also have a passion for the history of Tūhourangi and recorded our history in documentaries and books.
Electronic and postal voting is open now
In-person voting and the final day to vote will be held on 22/03/25
You must be a registered Tūhourangi Tribal Authority member to be eligible to vote, register here.
Trustee Nominee Profile - John Hurihanganui
E te iwi, ānei rā ngā taipitopito mo te hunga e wāwatia ana kia tū hai māngai mo Tūhourangi Tribal Authority. Please find the Trustee nominee profile for John Hurihanganui below.
Hone affiliates to Tūhourangi Ngāti Wāhiao, Ngāti Tahu, Ngāti Whaoa, Ngāti Whakaue and Ngāti Porou.
Hone’s background is in education, health and organisational leadership having held senior positions in these sectors for nearly 40 years including: Head of School, Wairarapa Polytechnic (10 years), Director Māori & Pacific at Careers New Zealand; Executive Director Māori at the New Zealand Correspondence School; and Chief Executive of Whaiora – a health and social services provider organisation where he launched that community’s first VLCA medical centre created to serve the vulnerable and under-served.
Hone has served on Boards of Trustees throughout the schooling lives of his children as well as a few crown and non-government organisations. These board appointments include:
Masterton East School 1995 – 2000
Iwi Kāinga – Iwi/Māori Partnership Board, Wairarapa DHB 2000 – 2010
Takirua Productions Board of Directors 2015 – 2020
Te Kura Toi Whakaari - New Zealand Drama School Board of Directors current
Te Mātāwai Pae Motuhake o Te Arawa Board
Te Arawa e – Te Arawa FM Board
Whakarewarewa School - new
Outside of work, Hone enjoys studying mōteatea (archaic poetry), whakapapa (genealogy) and music. He is a singer/composer and playwright and was opera trained at an early age appearing in his first operatic performance when he was 14 years old. Hone enjoys supporting the senior kapahaka of Tūhourangi Ngāti Wāhiao and singing with family and friends when the opportunity arises. Hone has 4 tamariki and 3 mokopuna and values whānau dearly.
Electronic and postal voting is open now
In-person voting and the final day to vote will be held on 22/03/25
You must be a registered Tūhourangi Tribal Authority member to be eligible to vote, register here.
Trustee Nominee Profile - Warena Morgan
E te iwi, ānei rā ngā taipitopito mo te hunga e wāwatia ana kia tū hai māngai mo Tūhourangi Tribal Authority. Please find the Trustee nominee profile for Warena Morgan below.
Ko Wārena Morgan tōku ingoa, nō te whanau Morgan, Wikiriwhi, Hiini, Hatō, Haira mē Wīhapi, ōtirā nō Tūhourangi ahau. He mokopuna au ō Eruera raua kō Rangiātuhi (nee Haira) Morgan, Te Autiti raua kō Kahukura (nee Hemopō) Wikiriwhi, mē Karaneihana raua kō Kerera/Niki (nee Hatō) Hiini.
I have a trade background as a Industrial Electrician and now work as an Automation Engineer for a local company in Rotorua. Previously I have worked as a Reliability Technician, Machinery Safety Technician.
In the past three years in my role as a Tuhourangi Tribal Authority Trustee, I have been an active member on:
Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa (Trustee, Audit and Risk Chair)
Tuhourangi Iwi Delegate to Timberlands (Tangihanga Permits)
Titokorangi and Whakarewarewa Forests Recreational Management Group(Member)
Te Hononga o Tuhourangi me Ngati Rangitihi Joint Administrating Body.(Chair)
Waimangu Volcanic Valley Director (Just recently appointed)
During this time I have had a role with:
Bay of Plenty Rugby Union (Rugby Director, Senior Club Working Group Chair)
I am an accomplished and energetic person with a solid history of achievement in management and decision-making. A motivated leader with strong organisational and prioritisation abilities. Areas of expertise include financial-delegation, health & safety and communication.
I am seeking re-election as a Tuhorangi Tribal Authourity Trustee so that I may continue the enjoyment of working for my iwi, and hapu in the many kaupapa that we face today.
Electronic and postal voting is open now
In-person voting and the final day to vote will be held on 22/03/25
You must be a registered Tūhourangi Tribal Authority member to be eligible to vote, register here.
Trustee Nominee Profile - Angela Grant
E te iwi, ānei rā ngā taipitopito mo te hunga e wāwatia ana kia tū hai māngai mo Tūhourangi Tribal Authority. Please find the Trustee nominee profile for Angela Grant below.
Ko Angela Grant ahau. He mokopuna ahau nā John Waaka rāua ko Maureen Kingi. Nō te kawai heke o Te Kuru o Te Marama Waaka rāua ko Rangitamoe Haira.
I grew up in the pā, spending time with my kuia and koroua at the Waaka whānau homestead on Huarere Street, and going for hīrere. I was involved in kapa haka from a young age, learning from my nan and mother, and now I’ve passed that on to my daughter.
I am a practising solicitor with a firm that advocates for Māori issues. I was part of the legal team for the Rotokākahi BOC to advise on the injunctions filed by the Rotorua Lakes Council. I also serve as a trustee on the Ngāti Whakaue Assets Trust and at Kariri Point at Tarawera as well as a small Ahu Whenua Trust in Awahou.
Alongside my legal and governance roles, I am passionate about preserving our reo, tikanga, and performing arts. I have been honoured to perform with Tūhourangi Ngāti Wāhiao kapa haka at Te Matatini Tāmaki Herenga Waka and the 2024 Te Arawa Regionals.
My aspiration is to ensure strong representation, sound governance, and the safeguarding of our roto, taonga, whenua, and tikanga for future generations.
Electronic and postal voting is open now
In-person voting and the final day to vote will be held on 22/03/25
You must be a registered Tūhourangi Tribal Authority member to be eligible to vote, register here.
Trustee Nominee Profile - Lana Ngawhika
E te iwi, ānei rā ngā taipitopito mo te hunga e wāwatia ana kia tū hai māngai mo Tūhourangi Tribal Authority. Please find the Trustee nominee profile for Lana Ngawhika below.
E tū ana ki te taumata o Tarawera e tū takotako rā
Ka titiro whakararo iho ki te waka o Te Arawa
E rere nei i ngā wai karekare o Tarawera
Ka ū te waka ki uta ki te marae nukunuku-ātea o Te Pākira
Kia rongo i te reo pōhiri o Tūhourangi, o Ngāti Wāhiao
E mihi nei e karanga nei
For the past 30 years, I have worked in kaupapa Māori and corporate/business sectors, including seven years with Fonterra as Head of Māori Development, 10 years with NZ Fire Service as Pou Takawaenga covering Bay of Plenty, Te Tairāwhiti and Waikato-Tainui regions, and seven years with the former Te Arawa Māori Trust Board where I formed part of the Lakes Claim Settlement Team.
My governance experience includes serving on Te Arawa Lakes Trust, Te Pūmautanga o Te Arawa, Tūhourangi Tribal Authority, Te Arawa Management Limited, and the Board of the Institute of Directors NZ. I was also a Ministerial appointment to the Lakes District Health Board and currently serve on the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Māori Advisory Board.
Education: Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Distinction) - University of Waikato.
He uri nā Maika & Horiana Waaka, I have been married to Herby Ngawhika for 32 years. Our pride and joy are our tamariki, Taria and Te Manawa, and mokopuna, Erina.
Electronic and postal voting is open now
In-person voting and the final day to vote will be held on 22/03/25
You must be a registered Tūhourangi Tribal Authority member to be eligible to vote, register here.
Trustee Nominee Profile - Nari Faiers
E te iwi, ānei rā ngā taipitopito mo te hunga e wāwatia ana kia tū hai māngai mo Tūhourangi Tribal Authority. Please find the Trustee nominee profile for Nari Faiers below.
Nari is dedicated to advancing harm reduction through her current role at Health NZ, following her leadership in workforce development for the National SUDI Prevention Coordination Service at Hāpai Te Hauora. She serves as Co-President of the Public Health Association NZ and is a steering group member for Power to Protect, supporting Māori-led approaches in their work programme. Nari has recently completed her doctoral research, focusing on Indigenous frameworks of resilience as a response to crises building on the responses of Tūhourangi participants to the Tarawera eruption.
With extensive experience in Māori development and research, Nari has worked as a specialist in the Māori Growth Programme at Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development leading the country’s largest Māori Business Network. Her Master’s degree explored tribal governance in sacred spaces, deepening her understanding of iwi leadership and cultural integrity.
Nari has contributed across diverse sectors and communities, particularly supporting wāhine, through her work with the Cervical Screening Programme and Women’s Refuge. Her commitment to public health, Māori development, and community resilience is evident throughout her career.
Driven by a desire to give back, Nari seeks to join the leadership group for Tūhourangi Tribal Authority to support the hapū that sustains her and provides purpose. She brings deep cultural insight, governance experience, and a strong commitment to the wellbeing and advancement of Tūhourangi.
Electronic and postal voting is open now
In-person voting and the final day to vote will be held on 22/03/25
You must be a registered Tūhourangi Tribal Authority member to be eligible to vote, register here.
Tūhourangi Tribal Authority Board Elections - Nominations Open
The Tūhourangi Tribal Authority will be holding its rotation ballot election 22nd March 2025.
Those who wish to stand for one of the 3 trustee positions must send a request for nomination form to:
Tūhourangi Tribal Authority
P.O. BOX 6161
Email request to
Txt 0272913002
Nominations open 14/02/2025 — 24/02/2025. Both Nominee and Nominator must be a verified registered TTA beneficiary prior to receipt of nomination form.